Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Never one project at once.

You know how your mother always told you take one step at a time? Well I would have to say that I am always trying to do the opposite. I am the type of person that is constantly coming up with ideas in ways that will allow me to express my creative side and hopefully gain a profit. My current goals are redesigning my portfolio to showcase all of my work, that I have worked so hard on at school. I am currently working on RE- styling different clothing items, and I signed myself up for a sewing class. I know way too exciting right? I never like doing anything "half-ass" as my mom always explained it. I am always doing everything and anything to my fullest ability and I know that if I set my mind to it I can accomplish anything that comes my way. I just hope that when I graduate I am able to travel, capture the world through the eyes of my lens, and publish a book on it. On top of that, have my own clothing line and be able to have side jobs in making the world a little bit more creative one step at a time.

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